We are born in Nature and only in living close to Nature are we healthy and at our best! Natural food, meaning right from the earth and unprocessed, guides us and heals us with phyto-nutrients, proper fats, anti-inflammatory agents, vitamins, minerals, water content, and more.

There is signalling information in the composition of real food like carrots, beans, or coconuts, that becomes the operating matrix for how the pure miracle of our physiology works. For instance, the information in a carrot can signal certain proteins to turn on or off which in turn initiates or inhibits particular hormonal activity. Eat junk food, junk programming is interjected and just messes up the whole system.

There is no more powerful information-rich food in Ayurveda than seeds. Think about it. As soon as you dig up a carrot, it starts to deteriorate and lose liveliness. But carrot seeds for example, when properly stored, can retain their intelligence and capacity to grow into a carrot for years. This is outstanding capacity and intelligence from the unified, underlying field of consciousness from which both we and the carrot emerge.

Including seeds in your diet is a smart move. The easiest way is to sip hot spice water throughout the day with fennel, cumin, and coriander seeds. I have spoken often of the premiere healing capacity of this one small, high-impact act. Such a good one to add to your dinacharya—daily routine.

You can cook with seeds for seasoning, sprinkle seeds on top of food, or nibble on seeds for a snack. Many of us are thinking about seeds this time of the year as we get ready to plant our gardens. Think about seeds for your internal garden as well.

Super Seeds

Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are a good source of Omega 3, which are good for our immunity defenses. The seeds are packed with protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants. The chia seeds Omega 3 content and anti-oxidants may help to prevent diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and cancer. They are recommended to dieters since they give the feeling of being full, so you are less likely to overeat. Chia seeds are becoming often preferred to flax seeds with more benefits and fewer cautions.

How to use: Chia seeds are tasteless so you can sprinkle them on many foods. They help you to feel full and eat less. Unlike flax seeds, chia seeds do not need to be ground to receive benefit. They absorb liquids and become gelatinous so sprinkle on at the last moment if you want them crunchy. Check out our delicious Chia Seed Pudding recipe.

Pumpkin Seeds: These nutritional powerhouse seeds are a great source of magnesium, manganese, copper, Vitamin E, and zinc. The zinc is particularly important for prostrate health [for men], mood and immunity, and pumpkin seeds sleep. Pumpkin seeds also are a vegetarian source of Omega 3 fats. They are a rich source of tryptophan that converts into serotonin and then melatonin to promote sleep. They have been found to boost immunity and regulate insulin levels.

How to use: Use raw for the healthy fat benefits, otherwise you can lightly roast. Garnish over soups, salads and stir-fries or munch on them plain. Check out our Creamy Broccoli Soup, garnished with pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Sesame Seeds: Sesame seeds have a high oil content which makes them ideal for lubricating and protecting tissues. They are rich in vitamin E and A, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, fiber, and protein. These sesame seeds powerhouse seeds strengthen blood, bones, muscles, the immune system and will moisturize skin and hair. Chewing the seed is purported to keep your teeth white and clean and they also calm and tone the nervous system. The warming nature of sesame promotes healthy digestion. Consume in moderation to not upset your Omega 3 and 6 balance. more

How to use: Sprinkle on your food to add crunch. Chew well and swallow in the morning to wake up your mind and fire up your digestive system. Sesame oil is warming so especially great to use for abhyanga self massage to pacify vata coldness. Check out our spicy and delicious Sesame Chutney Powder recipe.

Sunflower Seeds: They have a high concentration of vitamin E to neutralize free radicals and to prevent arthritis. The high magnesium content helps to treat headaches and to promote strong teeth, bones, skin, hair, and blood. Their selenium content controls cell damage, inflammation, and cholesterol.

How to Use: Store in refrigerator. Sprinkle raw or lightly toasted seeds on top of your food for a crunch. Snack on a handful. Eat about 1/4 cup a day.

Dr. Rhonda Egidio, R.A.P, [Registered Ayurveda Professional] provides Ayurvedic assessments of primary health concerns, diet, sleep and lifestyle and offers Ayurvedic recommendations. It’s a good idea to get a baseline assessment to help you to apply Ayurveda knowledge in a customized way to your particular needs. You can sign up for Dr. Rhonda Egidio’s free monthly Ayurveda newsletter filled with Ayurveda wisdom and daily tips at http://www. radiantlifeayurveda.com 

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