Natural Support for Heart Health

Natural Support for Heart Health

In honor of Heart Health Awareness Month, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, M.D. has put together a list to guide you in naturally caring for your cardiovascular system. Incorporating these ideas into your wellness routine can go a long way in ensuring that your heart stays healthy and strong.

Top Health Goals and How to Stick to Them

Top Health Goals and How to Stick to Them

We make resolutions at the beginning of the year and give them up in a few weeks. Dr. Ron gives a great perspective on how to stick to your health goals. Make this the year of “MORE” not “less.” MORE nutrient-dense foods, MORE sleep and rest, MORE social connection and MORE fun.



What does it feel like to travel to a place with no museums, no gardens or parks, no historical monuments, no churches, architectural wonders, theaters or festivals, no hotels or restaurants for that matter? Welcome to Antarctica – a place unlike any other travel destination in the world, filled with spectacular sights and wonderful experiences.

The Many Health Benefits Of Gratitude

The Many Health Benefits Of Gratitude

According to the Harris Poll Happiness Index, a mere 1 in 3 Americans report being “very happy.” More than half say they’re frustrated at or by work. The good news is, small changes in perspective and/or behavior can add up, and practicing gratitude may be at the top of the list of strategies known to boost happiness and life satisfaction.

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