Cooking With Kids

Cooking With Kids

Are you a parent that thinks the kitchen is out-of-bounds for your kids? That they have to devote their young lives to exceling at math, science, soccer and piano? How about enriching their lives by inviting them to learn an essential lifeskill that will enrich their life?

The Elusive Trophy

The Elusive Trophy

As we go through our lives, several people influence and shape us as the people we are today, and who we will be in the future. Anika Sharma pays homage to her gurus and teachers, who have moulded her in many ways. A beautiful reminiscence of some of her fondest memories of her teachers will certainly evoke memories of your own teachers. 

Travel Through the Glass

Travel Through the Glass

Something as simple as sipping a glass of wine, a wonderful piece of music to dance to, a cozy book to curl up with and a drive on a long and winding road, has allowed Anika to imagine, thrive and be grateful for.

Sack Full of Breaths

Sack Full of Breaths

Hi. My name is Anika and I hope through this weekly column I call ‘Anika’s Zen, the power of gratitude’, I can share what I have learnt through my journey and how the power of gratitude has helped me. And I hope you will share the same with me. Write, tweet, reach out and let the conversations continue!  In deep gratitude.

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