Jun 6, 2019 | Home Remedies, Lifestyle |
Unfortunately, summer adventures sometimes lead to not-so-fun stuff like bug bites and stings as well as scrapes, scratches, and bumps. That’s why I like to make sure my medicine cabinet is always stocked with homemade healing remedies. Here are some of my favorite recipes that you can use to create your own herbal first aid kit.
May 23, 2019 | Ayurveda, Daily Living, Lifestyle |
Intermittent fasting and the Fasting Mimicking Diet are rapidly gaining popularity, and for good reason. The science on the health benefits of fasting is continuing to rapidly grow, with the data supporting its role in promoting longevity and quality of life. In this blog, I’m diving deep into what the science shows of the upside to fasting and caloric restriction.
May 9, 2019 | Ayurveda, Daily Living, Lifestyle |
Most children before age 5 breathe correctly and then….. we start sitting more 13-16 hours a day, we accumulate minor injuries to the middle body that result in cautious breathing, and we begin experiencing fight/flight stress that leads us to hold our breath and upper body breathe. Read on how you can help fix this issue.
Apr 25, 2019 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
With recent studies suggesting that milk may be less important for our health than it has long been thought to be, many consumers are experiencing new bouts of indecision in the dairy aisle. Read on for a rundown of some of the latest research, pros and cons, to help you decide.
Apr 11, 2019 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
Women generally still perceive breast cancer as a greater threat to their health despite the following fact: Heart disease kills more women than all cancers (including breast) combined. Let’s shed the light of awareness throughout our communities and ensure that women are getting the care they need so we can lower their risk of developing a preventable cardiovascular condition.
Mar 28, 2019 | Ayurveda, Home Remedies |
Are you a season allergy sufferer? Are you sick and tired of using nasal sprays and over-the-counter medications to no avail? Beth DiGioia has had great success with her homemade red reishi mushroom tincture. Perhaps, this may work for you too? Read on for the recipe and health benefits of this little-known mushroom.