Lucky Me, A Woman!

Lucky Me, A Woman!

Another International Women’s Day is over. Is the world for women any different? Read all about it in Anika’s latest gratitude column as the world continues to realize how important representation is. As of 1st quarter of 2021, 41 women will lead Fortune 500 companies. That’s just 8.2%, but an improvement from the 33 companies in 2019 and 24 in 2018. Going back 20 years, there were just two companies on the list that were run by women, according to Fortune.

The Snow Persisted

The Snow Persisted

I never thought I would ever say that I am sad to see winter go, but here I am and go it must, to make way for another season and another round of changes. The doves are here and so are the robins. Soon, my front porch will be filled with the screeches of hungry young ones, looking for yummy worms to grow and fly! I wonder what Spring has in store for me, what kind of metamorphosis, learnings and new growth will it bring in its midst? But for now, I am grateful for the pause of winter and the magic of the snow – that I got to experience and accept from my window.

My Neighborhood, My Tribe

My Neighborhood, My Tribe

My neighborhood is my space. As a person who has almost no family in the US, my neighbors are my extended family. They say, your vibe attracts your tribe. As I look back at close to the fourteen years that I have been in my neighborhood, perhaps, in many ways, it is this tribe that has enhanced my vibe. And for that, I am super grateful!

Stronger Than the Storm

Stronger Than the Storm

Adversity and storms have their side effects. It is adversity that gives us our depth. It’s a little bit like those ponds that you come across in the forest. They look still and gentle; yet, you realize there is an unknown depth to them – one that perhaps, is revealed, only slowly, over time. Read Anika’s blog on how storms can make you stronger.

Does Love have a Color?

Does Love have a Color?

Every day, I look around and see so much more to love – another song, another book, another bird, another animal, another color, another idea, another door, another food, another story. But most of all, I love life itself – its colors, vibrancies, hopes, secrets and everyday twists and turns. I am in deep gratitude for the openness of my heart to allow this love to flood it and the opportunity to give it back. Love, after all, is all there is. Isn’t it? What do you love about Love?

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