Aug 25, 2016 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
It’s true that cooking methods alter the nutritional composition of fruits and vegetables, but that’s not always a bad thing. Several studies have shown that while cooking can degrade some nutrients, it can enhance the availability of others. As a result, no single cooking or preparation method is best, and that includes eating vegetables raw. Read more…
Aug 24, 2016 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
If you get a tooth infection, most likely you would be in pain and then see a dentist. Contrary to this, osteoporosis presents no sudden symptoms that suggest something is not right with your bones. It often gets diagnosed after a person breaks a bone as a result of a fall. Osteoporotic bones have lost density or mass. As bones become more porous, they become weaker and cannot take the load that they once could and are more likely to break. In some cases, people would notice they are getting shorter or are developing a curvature in the upper back. Read on to see how you can prevent bone loss.
May 17, 2016 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
Stress is a tiny word for what can become a very big problem. Here we talk about how stress can be good for you, why it’s important to keep it under control, and what we can do to lead a more balanced life.