May 14, 2017 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, we would like to salute mothers for whom motherhood has been an uphill trudge and a don’t-know-how-this-will-turn-out battle. These are moms that are raising special needs children – both the 2-legged and 4-legged kind (special kudos to my friends Suma and Gayathri for opening their hearts to not one, but two dogs each, from shelters, and giving them a loving home). We are featuring an article by my friend Lesley Scen, who has gone through laughter and tears with her autistic daughter Meghana. Also featured is a poignant poem by Janaki Rao that mirrors the same emotions from a child’s perspective. Hope you have an opportunity to read and reflect on both the articles.
Apr 27, 2017 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
It is clear that improper science, a lack of using proper coconut oil, and repeated misinformation has labeled coconut oil as a villain to any advocate of a healthy lifestyle. Read on…
Mar 29, 2017 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
Healthy Indian wishes all its readers a very Happy New Year! Happy Ugadi! Celebrated across the Indian sub-continent, by Andhras/Telanganas (as Ugadi), Kannadigas (as Yugadi), Maharashtrians (as Gudi Padwa), Sindhis (as Cheti Chand), Kashmiris (as Navreh), and...
Mar 17, 2017 | Daily Living, Lifestyle |
I wrote a blog piece for my medical group a few years ago that I continue to get positive feedback on where I talk about “The 3 Components of Maleness” and “The 3 stages of Male Health Breakdown.” Recently someone reached out to me and said: “Your blog piece on men’s...
Mar 3, 2017 | Daily Living, Gardening, Lifestyle |
Meditation is a word that is as familiar to me as my name. My late father was an ardent proponent of Transcendental Meditation, a method introduced by His Holiness Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, way back in the early 1950s. My parents were among his first disciples then,...
Feb 16, 2017 | Ayurveda, Daily Living |
If our digestion is poor, we can to make it better in 2017 and if it is good, we can make it great…or maybe even..ah-hem…perfect! Perfect digestion of food and emotions is the key goal of Ayurveda. This is achieved through a clear relationship with Nature and harmony with the underlying field of consciousness.