You have reached the blog that will hopefully have a very positive impact on your life, just as it did with ours. We not only want to share the success stories of our transformation to good health and well-being but want to make it easier for you to transform yourselves as well. Read on to find out more about Malathy and Venu, the creators of this blog….


Baby Arugula Salad

Baby Arugula Salad

This deliciously peppery and crispy Baby Arugula Salad is sure to become a staple in your house as it has become in mine.

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Delicious Mashed Potato ‘Curry’

Delicious Mashed Potato ‘Curry’

Cooked with basic spices like ginger, turmeric and onion, it is easy to fall in love with this flavorful mashed potato curry!. Enjoy with hot, crispy dosa or as a side with your regular meal.

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Vibrating Higher

Vibrating Higher

Einstein said, “Everything in life is a vibration. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Whatever vibration you express, you’ll draw those experiences, moments and people that match these vibrations.

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A Muscle Called Willpower

A Muscle Called Willpower

I am grateful for the group of people around me. I am now socially accountable. Will I be able to climb that mountain, or complete my first triathlon? Who knows, but this I know: I can definitely do slightly better today than I did yesterday. And I am not going to let my mind convince me otherwise!

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People Being People

People Being People

Anika’s Zen and the Power of Gratitude. Right here for you, weekly, every Sunday.   Recently during my meditation practice, I came across this rather revolutionary thought, “Give permission for people to be who they are.” It took a couple of minutes to sink in. It was...

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