You have reached the blog that will hopefully have a very positive impact on your life, just as it did with ours. We not only want to share the success stories of our transformation to good health and well-being but want to make it easier for you to transform yourselves as well. Read on to find out more about Malathy and Venu, the creators of this blog….
Vegetable Masala Medley
Vegetable Masala Medley is a delightful combo of veggies sautéed to perfection, with the right amount of spices. It has a little kick to it, goes great with roti or rice, or even makes a great side dish for a main course.
How To Cook Perfect Instant Pot Brown Rice
Enjoy perfect Instant Pot brown rice, in a few easy steps! Even if you’re not a fan of brown rice, you’ll surely be impressed with this dish.
Kandi Podi | Spiced Lentil Powder
Kandi podi is a delicious and spicy chutney powder made with roasted lentils. It is best enjoyed with steamed rice and ghee.
Unleashing Optimal Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Improvement
Self-improvement is a multifaceted journey that encompasses various aspects of our lives. In this article, we delve into seven key components of self-improvement that can guide you towards achieving holistic health and wellness.
Why Should Teens Try Yoga?
Yoga is a great way to introduce the changing world to teens. Teen Yoga teaches kids grounding, stress reduction, strength, flexibility, compassion, confidence, authenticity and a whole lot more!
The Magic of Microgreens
Microgreens are easy to grow, easy to harvest, easy to prepare, delicious to eat, and highly nutritious. Check out this blog to make your own microgreens.