You have reached the blog that will hopefully have a very positive impact on your life, just as it did with ours. We not only want to share the success stories of our transformation to good health and well-being but want to make it easier for you to transform yourselves as well. Read on to find out more about Malathy and Venu, the creators of this blog….


Hearty Chaat Salad

Hearty Chaat Salad

This peppy, crunchy Hearty Chaat Salad is loaded with a wide variety of veggies, fruits and beans. Filled with heaps of flavor, your guests will go for second helpings and beyond!

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Does Love have a Color?

Does Love have a Color?

Every day, I look around and see so much more to love – another song, another book, another bird, another animal, another color, another idea, another door, another food, another story. But most of all, I love life itself – its colors, vibrancies, hopes, secrets and everyday twists and turns. I am in deep gratitude for the openness of my heart to allow this love to flood it and the opportunity to give it back. Love, after all, is all there is. Isn’t it? What do you love about Love?

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The Joy of the Everyday

The Joy of the Everyday

Ever feel like you are stuck in a rut of the mundane? A victim of the humdrum of life, the never-ending chores? Finding joy in the everyday is what Anika has discovered and writes about in today’s blog.

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Cooking With Kids

Cooking With Kids

Are you a parent that thinks the kitchen is out-of-bounds for your kids? That they have to devote their young lives to exceling at math, science, soccer and piano? How about enriching their lives by inviting them to learn an essential lifeskill that will enrich their life?

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