Diet and Exercise Beat Drugs for Diabetes Heart Risks

Diet and Exercise Beat Drugs for Diabetes Heart Risks

More than 1 in 10 American adults have diabetes. But the multi billion-dollar blockbuster drugs marketed as treatment for diabetes haven't proved to be so successful against the biggest cause of death related to it: heart disease. Four new studies published in the New...

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My Health Journey- How I Managed Gout

My Health Journey- How I Managed Gout

Gout is a very painful arthritic condition of the big toe. Proper diet management is very critical in controlling any potential flare ups. Read my journey on how I put this terribly painful ailment into remission using Ayurveda and lifestyle changes.

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How Stepping Away from S.A.D. Saved My Family

How Stepping Away from S.A.D. Saved My Family

Faced with the prospect of living a poor quality of life, eating foods that were wreaking havoc on their health, this family truly proved, beyond doubt, that Food is the only Prescription Medicine that one may need. Read their story here.

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Reading, Writing & Ravenous: Hunger Sabotaging Education

Reading, Writing & Ravenous: Hunger Sabotaging Education

Does your kid waste food or throw a tantrum when he or she doesn’t get served what their heart desires? Lucky kid. Unfortunately, for over 13 million young children in this country, going to school hungry is the norm. One in five children in the United States live in food insecure households, which means they lack consistent access to enough food. Read to learn more about this serious problem and what you can do to help.

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How My Desire to Serve, Started My Wellness Journey

How My Desire to Serve, Started My Wellness Journey

What makes someone start pursuing the path to Wellness? For some, it is a close encounter, for themselves or for a loved one, with a serious illness. For some, it could be an influence from their role models. For Dr. Hitesh Pandya, the reason for his path to wellness was his calling: his passion to join the United States Army. I caught up with Dr. Pandya one evening to find out what makes him tick. We talked about a little bit of everything, which I’d like to share with you.

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My Tryst with Water Colors: 100 Days and Beyond…

My Tryst with Water Colors: 100 Days and Beyond…

We have all asked the question “How can I find and follow my true calling?” Author and artist Elle Luna frames this moment as “standing at the crossroads of Should and Must”. “Should” is what we feel we ought to be doing, or what is expected of us. “Must” is the thing we dream of doing, our heart’s desire.

We get to choose between Should and Must. It’s about the difference between jobs, careers, and callings. The difference between going to work and becoming one with your work. Why knowing what you want is often the hardest part. Read Leena’s journey through her 100 days of water color challenge, as she grapples with her own ‘Should’ and ‘Must’.

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Asha, the Hope

Asha, the Hope

Each day, I hoped. would be different, but it never was. My worst enemy was the alarm clock, and its torturous buzz unbearable. But it pulled me back to some semblance of normalcy, and I’d put on my ‘mask’ for work. Back to my lonely life in the evening. And so, it had been for many years now. If I survived, would I just be a shadow of my old self, confined to bed, always depending on someone’s help to get by?

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6 Key Steps To Lowering High Blood Pressure

6 Key Steps To Lowering High Blood Pressure

Our modern lifestyles require us to take a totally different approach to managing high blood pressure. If you’ve failed to lower blood pressure using the more standard, traditional methods, I hope this article may help make a more significant impact. 

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Super Seeds!

Super Seeds!

We are born in Nature and only in living close to Nature are we healthy and at our best! Natural food, meaning right from the earth and unprocessed, guides us and heals us with phyto-nutrients, proper fats, anti-inflammatory agents, vitamins, minerals, water content,...

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