More than 1 in 10 American adults have diabetes. But the multi billion-dollar blockbuster drugs marketed as treatment for diabetes haven’t proved to be so successful against the biggest cause of death related to it: heart disease.

Four new studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine are a stark warning to diabetics who rely on drugs to lower their risk of heart attacks and strokes.

One found that using antihypertensives to lower systolic blood does nothing to lower risk of heart complications; another found no benefit to adding a drug to raise HDL (“good”) cholesterol. And no heart benefits were associated with two drugs given to lower high blood sugar levels.

Evidence is accumulating that diabetics may not benefit — and may even be worse off — when they’re treated with a number of diabetes medications. The real take-home message here is that those with diabetes shouldn’t forget about the importance of lifestyle factors. Losing excess weight, increasing activity levels, and improving nutrition habits will lead to better control of diabetes and lower risks of heart disease.

Dr. Mercola’s Comments: Again, here we have not one, not two, but FOUR studies backing up the conclusion that the path of conventional medicine is leading diabetics astray, and doing far more harm than good.

Yes, cardiovascular disease is a major concern for diabetics, but the drug paradigm is not the answer for this problem. It never was, but at least now we’re starting to see more studies confirming this fact, and the word is slowly but surely starting to trickle out.

We’re also starting to see proof of the real dangers of diabetes drugs like Avandia, which actually INCREASES your risk of suffering a fatal heart attack. In fact, one previous study found Avandia increased the risk of heart failure by 109 percent, and the risk of heart attack by 42 percent, if used longer than one year.

The US News & World Report article above also discusses the dangers of blood pressure medication, and the misguided recommendation to maintain very low blood pressure, stating:

The new study examining blood pressure found that diabetics with moderately high blood pressure levels—about 135 mm Hg on average—didn’t benefit from taking extra blood pressure medication to lower those levels down to slightly less than 120 mm Hg.

In fact, they were more likely than those who kept their levels in the 130s range to experience fainting, heart arrhythmias, and abnormally high potassium levels, all associated with low blood pressure.

“Most doctors still aim for a goal blood pressure of 130 or below when treating diabetics, even though no there’s no good data to support that,” says study leader William Cushman.”

How true! I’ve written about the dangers of artificially lowering your blood pressure to these extremely low levels on several occasions.

Avoid Being Fooled – – Drugs Will Not Protect You Against Heart Disease

As reported above, these four studies found that:

  1. Using antihypertensives to lower systolic blood pressure below a 120 mm Hg does nothing to lower a diabetic’s risk of heart complications
  2. Diabetics get no health benefit from adding a drug to raise HDL “good” cholesterol levels if they’re already taking a statin to lower their LDL cholesterol levels
  3. There were no heart benefits associated with two different drugs given to lower high blood sugar levels

Although the article goes on to prescribe a “smart action plan” that includes taking a statin drug to lower your heart disease risk, and blood pressure medication if your blood pressure is above 140/90 mm Hg, the main point here is the fact that most people truly do not need these drug interventions.


Because lifestyle changes are MORE effective!

How to Effectively Treat Diabetes, Without Drugs

It’s well worth remembering that type 2 diabetes is virtually 100 percent avoidable, and can be effectively treated without medications in about the same percentage of cases.

Type 1 diabetics, however, do not produce insulin and must therefore inject insulin several times a day if they are to remain alive. Tragically those with type 1 diabetes can have the healthiest lifestyle possible yet still suffer many diseases, as current technology is a poor substitute for a fully functioning pancreas.

However, even type 1 diabetes may be preventable — in utero.

New research suggests if a pregnant woman has optimal vitamin D levels during her pregnancy and then maintains them in her baby once delivered, this should radically reduce if not virtually eliminate the child’s risk of getting type 1 diabetes!

Type 2 diabetes, however, is a fully preventable condition that arises from faulty leptin signaling and insulin resistance. Therefore, diabetes can be controlled or reversed by recovering your insulin and leptin sensitivities.

How is this done?

Well that’s the kicker. The only known way to reestablish proper leptin and insulin signaling is through a proper diet and exercise! There is NO drug that can accomplish this – a fact that makes the current disease paradigm even more tragic, as diabetes continues to skyrocket, and the conventional treatments are needlessly killing diabetics prematurely.

Following these simple guidelines can help you do at least three things that are essential for successfully treating diabetes: recover your insulin/leptin sensitivity; help normalize your weight; and naturally normalize your blood pressure:

  • Severely limit or eliminate sugar and grains in your diet, especially fructose which is far more detrimental than any other type of sugar.

While nearly all type 2 diabetics need to swap out their grains for other foods, some people will benefit from using protein for the substitution, while others will benefit from using more vegetable-only carbohydrates. Therefore, along with reducing grains and sugars, determining your nutritional type will give you some insight into what foods you should use to replace the grains and sugars.

  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid trans fats
  • Get plenty of omega-3 fats from a high quality, animal-based source
  • Get enough high-quality sleep every night
  • Optimize your vitamin D levels. Recent studies have revealed that getting enough vitamin D can have a powerful effect on normalizing your blood pressure and that low vitamin D levels may increase your risk of heart disease.
  • Address any underlying emotional issues and/or stress.


Dr. Mercola finished his family practice residency in 1985 but was trained by the conventional model. In his first years of private practice, he treated many symptoms with prescription drugs and was actually a paid speaker for the drug companies. But as he began to experience the failures of this model in his practice, he embraced natural medicine and has had an opportunity over the last thirty years to apply these time tested approaches successfully with thousands of patients in his clinic. Over 15 years ago he founded to share his experiences with others. The site is the most visited natural health site in the world for the last seven years with nearly two million subscribers. He’s also written two NY Times bestselling books, and has had frequent appearances on national media including the Dr. Oz show and major news channels.

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