The Prodigal Returns Home

The Prodigal Returns Home

I love to escape. I love the joy of an open road, an endless sky with no clear destination in mind. Perhaps this pandemic was the single biggest experiment of many things. For now, I have found my home, in many parts because I helped make it one. A new Gratitude Journal by Anika.

This Thing Called Blah

This Thing Called Blah

Has your delight dulled or has your drive dwindled? Are you indifferent to your indifference? When you can’t see your own suffering, you don’t seek help or even do much to help yourself. Read all about Anika’s wonderful gratitude journal on languishing.

An Optimistic World

An Optimistic World

I have always been an optimist, but I never stopped to think why. I just wore it like a second skin, and in almost all situations it surfaced as my “why not” attitude. Did it sometimes make me go where angels feared to tread? Of course. But more often than not, it helped me manifest all that I believed could be possible.

Where Diamonds Fail

Where Diamonds Fail

I look back and realize that I have had so many ‘little’ moments in life and been showered with so many little things by friends and strangers. The little things show compassion and in turn, create a ripple effect, for others too. So, am I losing out on the diamonds and the Ferraris for the little things?

Lucky Me, A Woman!

Lucky Me, A Woman!

Another International Women’s Day is over. Is the world for women any different? Read all about it in Anika’s latest gratitude column as the world continues to realize how important representation is. As of 1st quarter of 2021, 41 women will lead Fortune 500 companies. That’s just 8.2%, but an improvement from the 33 companies in 2019 and 24 in 2018. Going back 20 years, there were just two companies on the list that were run by women, according to Fortune.

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