Four Herbs for Pain

Four Herbs for Pain

Between our country’s devastating opioid epidemic and the side effects associated with over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers like ibuprofen, it’s not surprising that many of us are looking for other ways to address our pain. Luckily, nature does offer some with safe and gentle alternatives to pharmaceuticals and OTC pain meds.  Here are four of my favorite herbs for pain…

DIY Soap: Avoiding the Dangers of Store-Bought Soap

DIY Soap: Avoiding the Dangers of Store-Bought Soap

In 2017, the FDA officially banned the use of triclosan and 19 other ingredients in antibacterial soaps and antiseptic wipes. However, these compounds can still be found in toothpaste and other personal products and some believe the “alternative” chemicals being used to replace triclosan have just as little evidence for safety. Learn more about this important topic and how you can make healthy alternatives.

6 Signs You May Be Gluten Sensitive

6 Signs You May Be Gluten Sensitive

If you’re wondering if a gluten-free diet is right for you, the first step is to figure out if gluten is affecting your health. There are no specific laboratory tests to test for gluten sensitivity, so it’s up to you to do some investigating. Here are six signs you may be gluten sensitive…

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