Rules Of Simple Living

Rules Of Simple Living

What does living simply exactly entail? Does it mean that I stop wanting things and strip my life of all luxuries? After much thinking and introspection, it hit me!! Simplicity transcends all material things: it is an attitude. It is a way of life. It most certainly does not mean abstinence. It stands for moderation.

So how does one go about simplifying one’s life? How am I going to teach my children to embrace this theory? If I merely went around telling them “Simple Living and Great Thinking”, I’m going to get the same eye rolls that my grandmother got from me. So here are the Rules of Simplicity I would like to impart to my children…

What Type of Cookware to Use? A Brief Review

What Type of Cookware to Use? A Brief Review

We need our cookware to keep the nutrients in our food and not add any chemicals that are dangerous. We also want our cookware to give us great tasting food and be easy to clean and maintain. So, what kind of cookware should we cook in? Read our review of various types of cookware choices that are available.

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