You have reached the blog that will hopefully have a very positive impact on your life, just as it did with ours. We not only want to share the success stories of our transformation to good health and well-being but want to make it easier for you to transform yourselves as well. Read on to find out more about Malathy and Venu, the creators of this blog….
Baby Arugula Salad
This deliciously peppery and crispy Baby Arugula Salad is sure to become a staple in your house as it has become in mine.
Delicious Mashed Potato ‘Curry’
Cooked with basic spices like ginger, turmeric and onion, it is easy to fall in love with this flavorful mashed potato curry!. Enjoy with hot, crispy dosa or as a side with your regular meal.
Healthy Quinoa Dosa
Quinoa is a great source of protein and fiber. Enjoy this deliciously healthy Quinoa Dosa with a side of guacamole and coconut-mint chutney.
People Being People
Anika’s Zen and the Power of Gratitude. Right here for you, weekly, every Sunday. Recently during my meditation practice, I came across this rather revolutionary thought, “Give permission for people to be who they are.” It took a couple of minutes to sink in. It was...
Living In The Past
Anika’s Zen and the Power of Gratitude. A new weekly column. Every Sunday. I rarely think about those who came before us. The question came up when someone recently asked me if I usually think about the past. And I realized that living in the past is something that...
The Prodigal Returns Home
I love to escape. I love the joy of an open road, an endless sky with no clear destination in mind. Perhaps this pandemic was the single biggest experiment of many things. For now, I have found my home, in many parts because I helped make it one. A new Gratitude Journal by Anika.