Are Genes Really Our Destiny?

Are Genes Really Our Destiny?

“I have diabetes because my mother had it”, “I got bad genes from my parents and so I have xxxx (name your disease here)”. Have you heard people say this? Do you utter these words yourself? If you answered “yes” to either, read on.

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Your Lifestyle Choices Can Offer Potent Cancer Prevention

Your Lifestyle Choices Can Offer Potent Cancer Prevention

While anticancer drugs have their place, it’s important to remember that the lifestyle choices you make on a daily basis will influence your overall cancer risk in the first place. The good news is there’s a lot you can do to lower your risk. In fact, I believe you can virtually eliminate your risk of cancer and chronic disease, and radically improve your chances of recovering from cancer if you currently have it, by addressing foundational lifestyle factors.

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Top Vegetarian Proteins To Help With Diabetes And Weight Loss

Top Vegetarian Proteins To Help With Diabetes And Weight Loss

This blog post provides a detailed summary of some key sources of plant-based proteins. This is not an all inclusive list but hopefully highlights that you can be strong, energetic and healthy on a vegetarian diet. There are some elite vegan/vegetarian athletes you can turn to for more resources and inspiration, like Rich Roll.

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Cranberries, Consciousness, and the Cook

Cranberries, Consciousness, and the Cook

As you sit to enjoy the meal you prepared for yourself or as your guests move toward their places at the table, take a moment to be grateful. The lively food prepared with love will fulfill the cook’s intention to nourish physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The holiday season offers us many moments to honor the everyday sacred.

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Frightful Waste: Ways to Make Your Halloween Green

Frightful Waste: Ways to Make Your Halloween Green

Is it just me or do Halloween decorations show up in stores earlier and earlier every year? I could swear I saw some in early August! Here in Texas, that’s like the middle of summer with 100+ degree weather. Doesn’t count as Fall, right? Through all the hoopla and...

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Tips On How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Tips On How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Most people don’t get enough sleep. We are a society that burns the candle at both ends, a nation where people stay up all night to study, work, or have fun. However, going without adequate sleep carries with it both short- and long-term consequences. Read Dr. Ron Sinha’s simple and practical tips on how to improve your sleep with small changes.

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