You Are What You Digest
The ancient science of Ayurveda says “You are what you digest!”. Digestion can mean many things: The foods we eat, the words we speak and listen, the company we keep, the news we watch and read. And of course, ingest. So, how do we stay connected and empathetic to what is happening around us, but at the same time strike an emotional balance so we do not tip over the edge due to severe anxiety? This is where the physical, mental and psychological digestion comes into play.
Get it Wrong to Get it Right
New experiences rewire your brain in ways old ones can’t and don’t. They are a little bit like tricking new muscles for workouts. New experiences keep us young and teach us that it is okay to make mistakes, to fail, get up and try again. Anika is grateful for the opportunity to mess up making her filter coffee.
Fruit Parade
Instead of junky snacks during this summer break, why not offer your kids seasonal fruits of different colors, textures and tastes for their midday munchies? My cousin Priya wrote these rhymes to persuade her then little guy to eat healthy. Maybe you can persuade yours to follow suit?
Vibrating Higher
Einstein said, “Everything in life is a vibration. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Whatever vibration you express, you’ll draw those experiences, moments and people that match these vibrations.
A Muscle Called Willpower
I am grateful for the group of people around me. I am now socially accountable. Will I be able to climb that mountain, or complete my first triathlon? Who knows, but this I know: I can definitely do slightly better today than I did yesterday. And I am not going to let my mind convince me otherwise!
People Being People
Anika’s Zen and the Power of Gratitude. Right here for you, weekly, every Sunday. Recently during my meditation practice, I came across this rather revolutionary thought, “Give permission for people to be who they are.” It took a couple of minutes to sink in. It was...
Living In The Past
Anika’s Zen and the Power of Gratitude. A new weekly column. Every Sunday. I rarely think about those who came before us. The question came up when someone recently asked me if I usually think about the past. And I realized that living in the past is something that...
The Prodigal Returns Home
I love to escape. I love the joy of an open road, an endless sky with no clear destination in mind. Perhaps this pandemic was the single biggest experiment of many things. For now, I have found my home, in many parts because I helped make it one. A new Gratitude Journal by Anika.
Hope Springs Eternal
Spring heralds the beginning of new hope. Although the pandemic is still with us, flowers will bloom and we will survive for another season. Read Anika’s gratitude journal as the seasons unfold.
How I Lost Weight & Gained Health
Diet fads come and go. Weight loss happens and we gain back the weight faster than we lost. A lifestyle change is permanent with amazing benefits. Read Olives’ journey of lifestyle transformation after she teamed up with me.