How To Motivate Men To Take Care Of Their Health – by Dr. Ronesh Sinha
I wrote a blog piece for my medical group a few years ago that I continue to get positive feedback on where I talk about “The 3 Components of Maleness” and “The 3 stages of Male Health Breakdown.” Recently someone reached out to me and said: “Your blog piece on...
Ikebana as Meditation – by Janaki Rao
Meditation is a word that is as familiar to me as my name. My late father was an ardent proponent of Transcendental Meditation, a method introduced by His Holiness Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, way back in the early 1950s. My parents were among his first disciples then,...
Perfect Digestion is the Key – by Dr. Rhonda Egidio
If our digestion is poor, we can to make it better in 2017 and if it is good, we can make it great…or maybe even..ah-hem…perfect! Perfect digestion of food and emotions is the key goal of Ayurveda. This is achieved through a clear relationship with Nature and harmony with the underlying field of consciousness.
Nip That Cold or Flu in the Bud – by Barbara Sinclair
I can’t remember the last cold or flu that I had (knock on wood). But that doesn’t mean that I’m just lucky, or that I have a perfect immune system. What I do have is a list of to-dos that I implement when I feel a virus coming on that almost never fail to nip that...
Yoga to Balance Vata Dosha
Now I understand why yoga visionaries incorporated these yoga poses at the end of yoga practice. They calm you down into meditative and contemplative final stages of yoga practice. These poses increase the metabolism and digestion and increase the amount of tryptophan produced in the body. Tryptophan is the raw material for serotonin, which in turn acts as the building block for melatonin which calms one down. So, anybody seeking yoga to calm them down and relax may be looking at these ‘vata salutations’.
Making Vigor
Ojas is a Sanskrit word which means “that which invigorates”. According to Ayurveda, a high level of Ojas brings bliss and happiness. It is the vital life force energy that courses through our mind-body. Ojas is also thought to be the most refined state of physical matter according to Ayurveda wisdom but has not yet been discovered by tools of modern science.
Heal-Thy Self
Well--gee--I never noticed this before but the word "Healthy" is made up of the words "heal" and "thy". Of course, now that I see it, it feels like finding a hidden object in a child's activity book---boom--got it! Here are some quick add-ons that don't take much time...
Mindfulness and Kindness
I have written and talked about mindfulness extensively in the past. Today, I had a different experience on the subject when I read a quote from mindfulness researcher Lisa Flook of the University of Wisconsin: “This is the way of nurturing the seeds of kindness in...
Experience a Whole New World by Living in the Moment
Animals and little children – a pleasure watching them. The total abandon, no thought except for the present moment. When do we lose this trait as we grow up? Is it possible to bring some of that back into our adult lives? Can we try to live ‘in the moment’, at least for a little while each day?
Are You Using the Right Cooking Oil?
You may be eating healthy, but are you using the right cooking oil, below its smoke point? We analyze various cooking oils in this blog.