Sustainable Habits for Long-Term Self-Care
48% of the population makes a new year resolution to improve their fitness and overall health. Sadly, most new year resolutions don’t last beyond a couple of months. In this blog, we delve into several ideas that you can incorporate for long-term self-care.
Self-Care Strategies for Introverts
For introverts, developing a self-care strategy that caters to their inherent need for quiet and personal space is crucial for flourishing in a predominantly extroverted society. We offer some simple techniques here.
Effortless Techniques for Managing Stress
Think stress management is not easy? Think again. These easy techniques will help you combat chronic stress and set you down the path of contentment.
Integrative Daily Practices for Holistic Well-Being
By incorporating these 8 simple yet impactful strategies into your daily routine, you can embark on a journey towards holistic well-being.
Save Money and Gain Health
A healthy lifestyle takes hard work, persistence, and plenty of discipline. But, do you know it doesn’t have to cost you the world? With the right strategies, it’s possible to look after both your body and your bottom line. Here are some tips to get you started!
Unleashing Optimal Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Improvement
Self-improvement is a multifaceted journey that encompasses various aspects of our lives. In this article, we delve into seven key components of self-improvement that can guide you towards achieving holistic health and wellness.
Moving Through Grief
Grief can be overwhelming, particularly when it stems from an unexpected loss. While you’re navigating your way through this difficult time, it’s important to take small steps toward helpful healing. In fact, grief can be a process of growth and transition in which new personal goals and aspirations emerge.
You Are What You Digest
The ancient science of Ayurveda says “You are what you digest!”. Digestion can mean many things: The foods we eat, the words we speak and listen, the company we keep, the news we watch and read. And of course, ingest. So, how do we stay connected and empathetic to what is happening around us, but at the same time strike an emotional balance so we do not tip over the edge due to severe anxiety? This is where the physical, mental and psychological digestion comes into play.
Get it Wrong to Get it Right
New experiences rewire your brain in ways old ones can’t and don’t. They are a little bit like tricking new muscles for workouts. New experiences keep us young and teach us that it is okay to make mistakes, to fail, get up and try again. Anika is grateful for the opportunity to mess up making her filter coffee.
Fruit Parade
Instead of junky snacks during this summer break, why not offer your kids seasonal fruits of different colors, textures and tastes for their midday munchies? My cousin Priya wrote these rhymes to persuade her then little guy to eat healthy. Maybe you can persuade yours to follow suit?