Make sure you have these ready before you start cooking: 1. Broccoli and cauliflower florets (washed and dried) 2. Fine cut onion and small pieces of curry leaves 3. Ajwain seeds, red chili powder, garam masala, salt 4. Chickpea and rice flours.
Mix chickpea and rice flour with ajwain (carrom) seeds, salt, chili powder and garam masala.
Now mix onion and curry leaves with broccoli and cauliflower florets. Sprinkle the mixed flour and spices powder on the florets. Add one tablespoon avocado oil and a little water at a time and mix well. Ensure the batter is evenly spread and is somewhat dry. You're looking for just a thin coating on the florets.
Spray avocado oil on the air fryer tray. Arrange the florets in a single layer on the tray and close the lid. Cook for 8 minutes at 375F.
Air fryer cooking times can vary, so check after 5 minutes to ensure they are properly cooked (veggies should neither be moist nor burnt). Shake the veggies around so they cook evenly on all sides.